Storage Area Networking SAN NAS Fibre Channel iSCSI
If You are Serious About Getting Software Job and Want to Build Your Career in IT Email writing what you have done so far. Software Testing Interview Questions Paid Webinar Click to Know more. How To Get Software Job. Technical PDFs on Storage,SAN,NAS,virtualization :
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Interview Preparation Tips Resume Preparation Tips Salary Negotiation Tips Videos
YES There are jobs, Tech pros are being hired even in this recession . You need to always be ready for any eventuality - you need to be always ready with your latest resume, you need to make sure you dont do these mistakes in your IT job interview process, you need to know how to negotiate for the right salary. Here are the Videos for these crucial topics essential for your Career growth. One of my blog reader spent a whole day to go through & perfect all these videos & he was able to clear his interviews & also get a good salary package. I'm not claiming these Videos got him the job - no his tech expertise & experience got him the job but these Videos made him approach the whole interview with the right mindset. Having right mindset is the key factor for your Success.
Interview Preparation Tips Step by Step guidance what you must do to get your dream job
Resume Preparation Tips Step by Step guidance what you must do to get your dream Job
Salary Negotiation How to negotiate a better Salary & When to negotiate for a Better Salary package
Salary of Software Developers How much Salary a Software programmer can get in Silicon Valley
Software Jobs
Friday, November 28, 2008
VMware Interview Questions with Answers Package What You Get How You Benefit
Vmware Virtualization domain Career Opportunities
This blog or any of the content on this blog is NOT endorsed by Vmware company or any Software company for that matter. Actually Vmware does'nt want us to publish these kinds of articles since it helps people who read this blog & puts in a disadvantage those who dont go through this.This is a personal tech blog & you dont need to take it as an Official blog of any company.I dont work for Vmware, I dont work for any software company hence I'm excercising my freedom of speech/blogging in a constructive manner - to help job seekers.
We have this package "Vmware Interview Questions with Answers Videos & Mindmap" which will be made available soon. I never wrote any article on this blog about what you get in this package. The reason being I never wanted to sell them to people who are NOT serious about their Career,Not serious about an opportunity to work on Vmware's cutting-edge Virtualization Technology. I dont want you to buy this if you are not seriously preparing for Vmware technology job interviews.
1.Vmware Career is NOT for people who are lazy.
2.Vmware technology is not for people who want shortcuts or cheats.
3.Surviving & excelling in Vmware domain career can NOT be done if, YOU are NOT willing to gain real good hands on experience,spend good amount of efforts learning the technology.
Let me explain what is this "Vmware Interview Questions package" or "VMware Career Package" as I'd like to call it. This is not a Cheat sheet. This is not a ripped questions set from a computer generated exam like VCP(for people who donno Vmware Certified Professional Exam). This is not a set of assured Interview Questions. This is not what can Definitely get you a job. This is not the only source which if you cover you are assured of a Vmware Virtualization professional Job.
Then what is this?
"Vmware Career Package" in simple words
is a simple set of documents,videos outlining how is
1. Vmware's Interview process, Vmware hiring expectations
2. What kind of questions to expect ( Reference questions)
3. Which areas You need to perfect
4. Flow chart explaining a typical(Not assured) interview process,number rounds of interviews, what kind of rounds - telephone screening,personal onsite interviews etc.
5. Videos explaining nearly 100+ Questions with Answers.
6. Some reference documents (From different sources - we are not authors/creators of these docs ). These are FREE Bonus docs from other sources we are sending you so you have all essential Vmware related docs in one place.
"Vmware Career Package" is what you buy only after you've done all other necessary interview preparations. This is a package of knowledge consolidated from experiences of people attending Interviews in different companies,on Vmware related job reqs (Job Openings). Just buying this package does NOT assure that You'll definitely get the same kind of Interview rounds (usually there may be more technical rounds & less HR rounds). There is No surety that you'll get same questions asked in your Virtualization interviews. No surety that you will get that job if you JUST restrict yourself in only going through these docs which are part of this package.
Obviously / You know a Tech job interview is a very dynamic process, Interviewers can ask questions on varied topics within Vmware Virtualization or VI3 or ESX or Virtual Center or Vmotion or HA or DRS or other Vmware products,VDI,ACE,... In many instances interviewers ask questions mostly based on your previous Virtualization experience & your previous projects. Then they start asking how far you know their technology . So giving a very short list of assured questions is not possible.
This "Vmware Career Package" is not yet finalized in terms of pricing & other stuff - as we are trying to improve the quality of this package.
Join below special email subscription to keep yourself updated on "Vmware Career Package" or email if u are interested in buying this package. As soon as its available you'll get access to this PAID premium content.
Below Videos have audio quality reduced intentionally since they are part of the PAID content. These are Free previews hence audio quality has been reduced.
Vmware Career is NOT for people who are lazy- Our "Vmware Career Package" is not for lazy - You need to go through all my 100+ questions in doc format along with the Videos & you need to learn/perfect them. Also there are additional docs which you need to study/perfect. If you had lots of hands on experience working on VI3,ESX,VC products that'll be a huge advantage.
Vmware technology is not for people who want shortcuts or cheats. Our "Vmware Career Package" is not some cheatsheet but a detailed list of reference questiosn with Mindmaps/flowchart explaining the whole interview process
Below video is about Google Interview process flowchart created by our team member.This is NOT vmware interview process map but you'll get access to a separate Vmware's Interview process map in PDF along with Video explaination in Paid membership protected webaccess. We are not giving away "Vmware Career package" hence we are not giving away VMware interview process related video/details.
If you really want that PERFECT Interview preparation package which has assured questions I will create it for you - But it will contain 5,000 Vmware Interview Questions. Are you ready to pay $1000 for that ASSURED Vmware Interview Questions package. If you are really serious that you need that, just email & be ready to pay through paypal $1000. I know people hate going thru 5000 interview questions hence our Vmware career package is not "ASSURED JOB" package its a "Interview Preparation Gudiance" & it'll have minimal questions around 100+ . Dont worry too much there'll be videos explaining all the questions hence even if you feel bored to read the 100+ questions you'll find the Videos interesting enough to help you go through all of them.
Ya ya this is a Storage blog but Vmware & Virtualization has fuelled a huge demand for Storage growth & implementation.Hence I personally feel this combination of Storage along with Virtualization(Vmware) knowledge makes a strong potion to help You in Your Career Growth.So you'll find lots of VMware/Virtualisation blogposts & also Videos on this blog.
P.S: Some ask why am I selling this. I'm helping those who can afford to make a very good systematic preparation for their Next Career change. This is my consulting fee for the time & the knowledge I share. For people who cant afford to pay plz dont loose heart I will be posting more Free VMware Interview questions Videos just keep checking this blog daily.
Feel free to email with ur queries.
Posted by
10:05 PM
Labels: vmware career package, vmware interview questions, vmware interview technical questions, vmware jobs, vmware pro jobs, vmware salary
Monday, November 17, 2008
How To Get Software Job Mindmap Simple to Understand Image
Quite sometime back I wrote an article on "How To Get Software Job" lots of people liked that article & asked me to write more on it. I've created a video on that but I will share that Video only with those who email & write about your interview experiences. Yes U will get access to Video if you write about your experience of attending an interview & please do write in detail.
Just to make you realise the importance of that article which is highly read by most of my blog visitor find below mindmap of the same article & here is the link to that article titled "How To Get Software Job"
CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO SEE BIGGER DETAILED IMAGE. You like Black - How To Get Software Job Mindmap share your experience & get access to a Secret video explaining this Mindmap
Friday, October 03, 2008
SAN NAS iSCSI FCIP Product Reviews Best Solutions in the market you wanna read about it - seriously?
What is a Blog - A personal Journal (NOT TO BE TAKEN seriously) . I can blog about anything right. I started this blog to talk & talk only about technology - SAN fascinated me, NAS made me take notice, iSCSI & FCIP im still exploring. So how is that there is very little tech talk happening these days & more personal stuff being written on this blog ?
You tell me you want some more tech stuff or you want personal Career tips.
You tell me you want me to write more on a personal note or a Technical Journal.
Email & shout your thoughts.
Yes I will definitely start writing more technical stuff sooner. When I started this blog what I really wanted to do was write about product reviews,
SAN solutions from different companies , their pros-cons
NAS & its simple/messy configurations
I wanted to Benchmark , I wanted to do performance Testing, I wanted to do End to End Testing on different SAN solutions or Network Data Storage solutions. I wanted to build a team to get all this work done. I wanted to do it on an Enterprise level where people really appreciate the amount of technical writing I publish. But I got blocked due to one major obstacle.
Storage solutions are expensive & the TOP storage companies DO NOT send their products to me for testing. Do email & lemme know the biggies who do the storage solutions reviews I wanna buy their Web portals :)
So here is the deal I am reaching OUT to all Storage Companies Big or Small to send me their Storage products. Give me ample time to Review your products & write a frank , unbiased technical product review on this blog.
Hey you dear blog reader you know of any storage company HR or PR or CEO or CTO who can lend me his storage gear for a couple of days for testing or for simple User level review , if Yes I love can you send them my message. I would love to write about their products or solutions but will they love to send their stuff for review?
OK I can not promise I'm gonna cover every storage product but lemme do whatever I can & you tell me what more areas you want me to cover. I will be glad to do that.
Storage Enthusiast
Posted by
11:13 AM
Labels: dell, emc, hp interview, nas product review, netapp, network storage, product review, san product review, storage network
How To Get Job How You Can Get Software Job in Storage,Virtualization,Linux System Administration,Network & Enterprise Data Centre
[LEGAL DISCLAIMER : Blog author gone crazy, dont believe anything you read on this blog. Dont trust this guy do your own home work. There might be shitty secrets he wants to share with you on this blog about Your Job,Salary,Career but IT AINT GONNA WORK until you DO YOUR ASSIGNMENT, So this guy is not a Guru but he is good in pretending to be ONE]
[Actual Article starts from below written by the real blog author, if you love these writings email & Get a ton of Tips to help your Career]
Dear Blog Reader thanks a lot for taking time to read some of the posts on this blog. I would love to write more useful stuff. All I ask in return, please let your friends & family know about this blog. Spread the word & get me more friends.
You are all my friends , You are my family :) without you I'm nothing.
Thats true to a large extent. If you dont take time to visit & read the articles regularly then this blog serves no purpose.
Ok, How Can You Get Job
Ten Strong tips to make you Get Job SOONER , ASAP
1. Write down what you want from the next job
2. Write down what salary you expect, what position you expect , Which companies you wanna join.
One of my blog reader wrote like : Salary expected $6500 per month, Position : Virtualization Consultant/Deployment/Planning/Support/Training . Companies he'd love to join : All Top 10 of Fortune 100 companies.
Next thing I ask you to do is, be frank & think practically about this next step.
3. If you really want so many good things for yourself just to get into this new job - How are you equally worthy for that job?????
How competentent are you to demand such salary?
How skilled,experienced,able are you to demand such position
How valuable you yourself are to be choosy of such high expectations/Company?
If you are not already worthy CAN not you work towards the goal to make yourself come upto the expectations of the job. (Ya ya you want them to meet your expectations before you even think of knowing their expectations)
Step 3 is all about understanding the job opening's expectations & make yourself reach to that level
4. Next step - Start developing your Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV). This is the step every one drags/delays/wants to postpone
5. Make sure you are really good on everything mentioned in the CV/Resume.If not already start building yourself in that direction.
6. Upload the resume/ spread the word/ Network among people who are already in these major companies & ask them to refer you for any open reqs ( Job openings) . Build relation with job consultants/ hiring network / People who can really help you reach out (Like This Blog)
7. Be ready for taking an interview at any time & for any number of interview rounds/stages. There are companies who are in a hurry to hire, there are companies which take months to complete the hiring process, there are companies who never give you clear idea, there are companies who may finish all interview process & give you the offer letter IN A SINGLE DAY - Be ready & Open for every thing. ( Be ready to get bashed in all directions, on all topics you mentioned in your resume )
8. Know how to get Interview Calls if you are Not getting any
9. Give Mock Interview (Simulated Interview) to a friend or old colleague or any one who has the patience to take a technical mock interview for you. Go through a lot, lots of mock interviews. So you know where you suck & where you shine. Improve yourself in all those lacking else you have a long way to go.
10. Start attending the real interviews................ Have patience.
Getting a Job,Clearing all rounds of Job Interview is like marriage have patience till it happens. & Once it happens, once you are in the job you will be wishing when you can have your next marriage :)
[Sorry if I hurt any body's sentiments with such a silly joke, pardon me]
Disclaimer: Marriage is a holy experience of life no-one should miss it . I have no business commenting on that one :)
Ok this article was NOT about marriage but its about how seriously & with what passion you need to prepare yourself for the Job Interview process.
Yes I promise You Will Get a JOB Sooner if you do the above 10 SIMPLE :) steps.
No brainer - its quite simple if you can walk through the whole process. If you just sit on the shore & try to imagine the depth of the ocean ya ya its quite a long process & you are tooo lazy to actually do what really needs to be done.
[[[ One more silly joke : One of my blog reader emailed me & said he will pay me if I can get him a job,I asked him how much, he said a months salary. I told him show me a stock which I can invest 5K in & gives me assured 5K every month.
If you dont understand what I meant lemme simplify this.
Yep I can help you to some extent to get a software job in a considerably good company. But will anyone dare to pay me ahead just for the guidance before they actually get the job - thats the question.(Million Dollar Question)
I asked the same blog reader ok send me a cheque or paypal payment for $5K & I can help you get a job of $5K. But pal you need to work on this & you need to work as much as I ask you to. 'cause once you get that job you've been craving for & are inside the company - I can't come & sit next to you to help you there also. (Practically Impossible right)
Bottom line: You gotta build your own strength . A Mentor (Like me :) ) Can always help. But do you have the money to pay him for the mentoring ????
Dont worry too much about it, Just make sure you do what it takes to prepare yourself well for the actual interview process.
I know you need more you wanna know more & you have time only to read the real secrets of how you can Really get a Software Job in the Fastest Possible Way >>>
YOU SEE THE EMAIL ENTRY BOX AT THE TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THIS WEBSITE/BLOG. Go enter Your Name & Email Id there. You will recieve an email from me with a link. Click on that link to confirm that YES ITS YOUR EMAIL BOX . Then, only after you click on that link to confirm that you wanna recieve these most useful information,only then I will start sending you real kick ass secrets on how to get Software Job in all the Top 10 Software companies. I worked for all of them (You dont need to believe anything I say - Universal Truth & I squeezed out all their secrets for you.
I promise NEXT ARTICLE will be on How You Can Get Software Job in Storage,Virtualization,Linux System Administration,Network & Enterprise Data Centre
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: guide me to get job, how can I get job, how can I get software job, how to get job, how to get software job, how you can get job
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Video on Vmware Interview Experiences with Interview process & Interview Question Answers
We are developing a Video on Vmware Interview Experiences collected from our blog readers who have been attending interviews.
We are also creating transcript (text version of the Video) for this Video on Vmware Interview experience.
The Video explains some of the details about some major Virtualization Consulting company's Interview process. (It is a company (one among) Accenture, IBM , Dell , Virbis , Progent , HP , TechArch Solutions )
The Video also shows real questions asked in those interviews.
The Video also gives you answers for these questions.
This Video is not free but it costs quite a bit. You need to wait for 48 hours for this Video to be available. After 48 hours when the video is directly available for Viewing/Download it costs $50.
But if you make an advance register by paying only $27 today you will get it for 50% discount(to the later price of $50).
Yes if you have faith that this website can deliver a quality video worth its value make a paypal payment to the id for $27 only & you will get access to the Video as soon as it is available.( You may need to wait till Sunday Morning 21st September 2008 but efforts are being made to make it available sooner) for the Video to be available.
$27 offer is only for today & will expire once the Video is available say on 21st September. After that the cost of accessing the Video will be $50.
Email if you are interested.
Click on Below button make payment for $27 plz give us 2 days & we will email you link to View/Download Video which is on "Vmware Interview Experiences"
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: interview process, interview rounds, virtualization interview process, virtualization interview questions, vmware interview, vmware interview questions
Monday, September 15, 2008
How To Make Money Online Best Deal Ever Almost FREE DVDs & Videos & Training
Get this for FREE
"Stomping the Search Engines 2" - the most anticipated SEO (Search Engine Optimization) course ever made - professional level results for ANY skill
level and ANY business.
All these bonuses:
* Brad Callen - Article Submitter Gold
* Jeff Johnson - Bonus SEO Videos
* Trey Smith - Auto Launcher 2
* Ed Dale- 1 Month Free of The Immediate Edge Membership
* Shawn Casey - "Behind the Scenes" Super Affiliate Case Study
* Jeff Mulligan- 4 Quickie Profits
* Eben Pagan- Advanced Treaining in Persuasion and Copywriting
* Jason Potash- 1 Month of Traffic Kahuna
* Howie Schwartz- "Best of" Seminar Videos and Graphic Templates
* Jeff Walker - Product Launch Teleseminar Series
* Rich Schefren - 1 Month Free of the Business Growth System
* Mike Filsaime - Case Study Video - The 7 Figure Launch
* Mike Koenigs - 10x10x4 System with 1 month of Traffic Geyser
* Paul Colligan - The New Media UberPack
* Clayton Makepeace - The Quadruple Effect Report
* Yanik Silver - 3 Private Dossier Reports
... all for just TRYING the free premiere issue of "The Net
If you love "The Net Effect", you don't have to pay until you
get the SECOND issue!
If you don't love it, cancel, keep everything, and don't pay
one penny more.
This is the best deal ever, and if you want those bonuses, the
clock is ticking.
ONE HOUR LEFT - This ends at 9pm Eastern -
TONIGHT, September 15.
FREE Video
Don't miss out - join the 15,000 soon-to-be-MORE-SUCCESSFUL
Internet Entrepreneurs who have already taken us up on this
once-in-a-lifetime deal.
Is tomorrow going to be the first step in your business
success, or the day you start kicking yourself for the rest of
your life over missing this?
Last chance to get it all for free, ACCESS FREE Videos
Posted by
10:44 PM
Labels: get jobs, get money, how to make money, make money, search engine optimization, seo, training
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I got the insider info on how HRs think about the hiring process
An image of the process from a Hiring HR's point of view. How they plan the hiring process.
will get a Video uploaded soon explaining in detail about the hiring process & how you as a Job seeker should know this & prepare to get that high salary software job offer letter.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: career, hr interview round, IT jobs, jobs, software, software career guidance, software company job, software jobs
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Can you get Best Internet Money Making secrets just paying for shipping & Handling - Almost for FREE
This is not right. Stomper just got VERY dirty.
Click to see their Video where they are giving online money making secrets away for peanuts
Millionaire Secrets Video
I mean real mean and nasty dirty.
You see, I had no idea what they got me into
and quite frankly, I am a bit embarrassed to be
part of it.
Let me explain.
Last week, Andy called me and asked me to offer
a bonus. So I thought I would give a great
product and make everyone's JAW drop.
Little did I know, sneaky Andy and Brad also
called every one of their friends and got them
to ALSO give you a Kick-Ass Bonus for free too.
Yes, you read that right. I said Kick-Ass. And
I said it again.
Heck, when Jeff Johnson gives you a product I
paid $997 for, I think I can say it. And I am
mad about it too.
Oh, why am I so mad?
Because remember I said Brad and Andy called all
their "Other" friends...
* Rich Schefren
* Jeff Johnson
* Ed Dale
* Jeff Mulligan
* Yanik Silver
* Trey Smith
* Eben Pagan
* Brad Callen
* Shawn Casey
* Paul Colligan
* Jeff Walker
* Mike Filsaime
Well, these guys gave bonuses so good, quite frankly,
well... I am embarrassed.
I mean, I still think mine was good. I provided a
case study and bullet points of the EXACT checklist
I use when doing a product launch.
But when I saw what "The Other Guys" gave, I feel... can I say... "Out Classed" here.
Yeah, that's right. Their stuff is so damn good and
you are getting it all for F R E E?
They call the bonus from these 12 people the
"Stomper Dozen"
I call it the "Dirty Dozen"
This is SO GOOD, Stomper has just change the rules.
I mean, just when you thought getting "Stomping The
Search Engines 2.0" for free was good, now...
...well, it's BETTER than F R E E .
How in the world can anyone compete with these guys.
They are just too dirty ;)
You need to get all this NOW, because they are pulling
down this offer very soon.
Make Money Online Videos
And remind me next time Andy asks me for a bonus to
try to out do these other guys. I thought mine was
good until I saw what everyone else is giving.
Please do not get to this page when after they pull it.
You do not want to miss this addition F R E E killer
stuff added by the best of the best of marketers.
Click for FREE Videos
Posted by
7:06 PM
Labels: DVD, FREE downloads, how to make money online, make money, online secrets, search engine optimization, seo, stomper
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
How to Make Money Online Learn Secrets for FREE from Experts
Many of you search for a way to make money online. Here is a Simple,EASY & FREE way to learn How to make Money Online.
You can make money online if you just have a service or a product which can be sold or you can have money because of some simple things like writing articles, creating content etc. With all those things you might make just few hundred dollars a month. But if you go through this link
"Search Engine Optimization" you can make a lot more money. Since using Search Engine Optimization you can get hundreds of visitors who are very much looking for the service or product you are selling.
This is FREE hence I am writing about it go here "FREE Secrets to Make Money Online"
This is not some cheap ebook they are going to send you a Video DVD along with lot more for almost FREE & this DVD has several Videos which explain how to make money online.
Go here Order for FREE watch this Video you will know this thing which they are giving away for FREE is worth a thousand dollar.
This product is from the industry leading team called Stompernet . Lots of people pay them to get the same secrets.
Subject: "Stomping the Search Engines 2" and "The Net Effect"
Andy Jenkins has finally given me the all-clear to spill the
beans on this insane offer that StomperNet has cooked up.
Tomorrow, Sept. 3rd at 3pm Eastern, you can get StomperNet's
big daddy expert SEO Video Course, "Stomping the Search Engines
2"... for FREE.
That's right. FREE.
All you need to do is just TRY their new monthly printed Action
Journal called "The Net Effect" - and guess what?...
You get the PREMIER ISSUE of "The Net Effect" for FREE TOO!
You don't pay one penny more than Shipping and Handling unless
you LOVE it and want to get issue 2 a month from now.
That's NUTS. They are betting the FARM that you will LOVE this
stuff and stick around for more. That takes GUTS, and and HUGE
confidence in the quality of their stuff.
But then again, it's StomperNet. I've SEEN the stuff, and can
vouch. It would be worth FULL PRICE.
But for FREE? You'd be FOOLISH not to check this out.
Don't believe it? Watch this video they've released to the
public. No fooling - this is a FOR-REAL DEAL.
This MIGHT just change your online business fortunes...
P.S. There's no hint of scarcity here - they've got tons of
BOTH products ready to ship. But still - be there EARLY. If I
hadn't already gotten my "insider" review copy, I'd be the
FIRST one on this page tomorrow.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: FREE downloads, how to make money online, make money, make money blogging, search engine optimization, seo, stompernet
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
This Video is Going to Change Your Life Give you Better Career Better Financial Future
This post will be taken down at any time due to several technical & business reasons.
A Video which shows how you can Get a Better Job , Better Financial future is going to be available on this blog soon ( next 15 days) on September 2008 mark your calendar.
Reason I'm going to post in advance is It will be viewable only for just 1 day. Yes only for 1 day that is on September 2008. This Video was part of the package which I got created which I'm selling for $1000. This video is part of a package(whose details I wont reveal more here since its from a private invitation only training).
The Video talks & shows you live how to get job in just 15days. Hard to believe. Even harder to believe will be the facts & live proof shown on the Video.
I just wanna see how is the response of people if I allow them to see this Video which has already changed lots of people's career life (Who attended that private coaching) for FREE .
I'm not promising that just seeing the video every one will be able get a job in 15 days. Thats bullshit. You need to take action from what you learn from that video & You need to raise your limits then you can definitely see results in your Professional career or in your job.
If you are interested to know more about the Video & the Private Training Videos email our Technical support team .
Though a single Video is made available for public for just 1 day , access to the complete set of Private Training Videos is gonna cost a lot, its not for everybody so if you are someone who is expecting miracles to happen just because you saw a video this may not be the right thing for you.
Here is one more bonus : If you can create a Video saying how this Blog helped you or bored you or grilled you , post it on &
in Video description give a link to our
website . Just have this website text in the starting of your description in youtube videos. Here is an example Youtube Video description or click here
write few lines in description you will get access to detailed info & another Video from this highly paid Private training.
Posted by
10:24 PM
Labels: best salary, career, high pay, IT jobs, salary, software engineer, software jobs
Monday, August 25, 2008
Interview Success Map generated lots of Interest Digital Version is ready for download
I guess you already read the first article on "Interview Success Map" Which simplifies the whole Interview process & gives several tips to help you get better results from software job interviews.
Digital version (downloadable file) of "Interview Process Flowchart" or what we call "Interview Success Map" is ready. You can get it for FREE but you just need to do one simple thing.
1st Step:Enter Your Name,email id : Subscribe to my Emails(News letter)
2nd Step: Mandatory you must do it to recieve the PDF of Interview Preparation Tips Map. You check your email account for a confirmation email from us with a link. Click on that activation link to say that you really own that email box, also you permit me to send you emails with useful information. If you complete these 2 steps you will recieve the PDF in the next email.
Thanks for taking time to read this blog & request your support to grow the content of this blog.
There is one more way to recieve the PDF file of "Interview Success Process Map".
Send an email to just 3 of your friends & CC this email id . Your email should have few lines of how these websites helped you & should have links of
You will get this downloadable PDF of "Interview Flow Chart" as well as some more such FREE products in future too.
I'm getting a Video created by *** who'll explain how this flow chart was created & how effective it is. If you email your friends about this & cc in your email then you will get access to protected page of that Video.
DO email if you need any more info.
Posted by
6:19 PM
Labels: getting IT job, how to get software job, interview preparation, interview tips, software job interview preparation, software job interviews
Friday, August 22, 2008
Interview Success Map created specially for storage blog readers
I wanted to Thank YOU, all the blog readers who take time to visit & read boring :) articles on this website(blog). Here is a very useful gift for you. These images are part of "Interview Success Maps". I worked with one of my friend from another country to get this created for you. This was actually planned to be sold for $24 along with some more Mindmaps but I'm giving this away free. I rarely give something for free since I've learnt that people dont respect what they get for free.
(People who are interested to pay email There are Virtualization & Storage Success Maps for you & they are not free they cost just $24. You will see their sample updated on a future blog article.)
These "Interview Success Maps" are derived from experiences of blog readers who have been attending Real Job interviews. This is not theory this is not some boring stuff this is a Simple Image. Its a detailed Road map. If I were to explain this I would take probably more than 2 hours just to explain each box & how important you make sure you've covered them properly before you actually go & sit infront of the interviewer. This flowmap helps you to easily outline what tasks out of the whole "Interview Preparation Process" you've completed & what needs to be done.
Lots of my blog readers are good in technical aspects but they do a very bad interview preparation.This has been the major reason why they were not getting offer letters though they were technically very strong. Actual preparation towards their job interviews was very bad, the preparation was messy & the outcome obviously was not great,few lucky ones got job offers though they had not done proper interview process preparation just because there is a huge demand for Storage & Virtualization professionals. If I asked them "Have you done any interview preparation" (Do you know what it takes to actually prepare for a Technical Interview in Storage or Virtualisation?) . The answer was always - Ya I know, I've done enough projects in storage/virtualisation , i have quite a lot of lab experience, I've been involved in field deployments , I've done my theory preparation & whats there in interview just go there & answer a couple of their stupid questions.I'm confident I know more than all those geeky a** h*** who are taking the interviews" (Yikes - this was the answer always :(
I'm sorry this is the reality people feel preparing for an interview is a pain in the *** . So they just dont want to do it. From my experience what I've seen is lotsa people just wanna avoid interview they'll be glad to jump the bus if they were hired without an interview. O dreamy fellow ...dreams cant get ur bread n butter so stop dreaming & do the necessary preps.
So this simple flow chart or Road Map was prepared to help people follow a structure , discipline their preparation & help them achieve better results. This is given FREE to help you get a good job offer. Do email & write if this is crappy or it was helpful. Lots of jobseekers in storage & vmware virtualisation have been actually writing to me asking for guidance in words. I created an Image for them. Its value will be known only to a person who has failed in several interviews just 'cause he has not done those essential preps.
For those who are in industry for a long time this looks natural & they may not appreciate it more.'cause they know all these by experience but when they attend interview they hardly follow this flow even though they know that this helps them win more job offers.
This crappy diagram or flow chart was created for those who take interest in organizing themselves in their job hunting experience. You can search throughout web there is hardly anything like this. So what I believe is people dont just download this & throw this image file in any folder. Instead I insist you try to adopt this model or any modified model in your interview preparation time & see the result yourself.
I help few people through web in their job search process (PAID service :) & all of them gave a feedback that this helped them know how many tasks they ignore while they were expecting interview calls. They said with this now they can prepare their own checklist & can simplify the whole cumbersome experience of attending a Software Job interview.
Forgive the small fonts/letters/hand writing the image was captured at 5Megapixel so you can enlarge & see what has been written. Feel free to share or forward or send this to your friends or anyone who can benefit from these.
If you can create a similar or better Flow chart or checklist or Mindmap or anything which can help in Software job Interview or Job hunting process please do send to so it can be shared with all the blog readers.
More FAST Learning (Success Maps) materials to come - For the success of this Storage technology Blog's Readers :)
Posted by
12:04 PM
Labels: data storage, datastorage, network storage, networkstorage, storage area network, storage jobs, Storage technology
Friday, August 15, 2008
Storage Training Virtualization training will these help you get a Job in Storage or Virtualization
Readers frequently ask me if I get a training in Storage or Virtualization can I get a job faster. My reply - The faster you meet the Interviewer's expectations sooner you get that Job. Sometimes I also may say "Have you looked into the Job descriptions check out some on Storage Job Openings website. The faster someone meets the expectations of a Job opening or what is explained in Job description for that Job opening - sooner the candidate gets hired. If your training helps you to reach this expectation then YES Training indeed helps you get these jobs.
Please understand this its not a question having a simple YES or NO answer.
Its a question which can give new directions to your career. So the answer is not simple but the path to follow is also not tough. Have you read all the articles on this blog if yes you already know how to clear some of the technical interview questions.
Storage & Virtualization are advanced technology & not every body can get job in these but there are quite a few less experienced guys also who got jobs 'cause they Got good training,
Did good amount of lab exercises
Worked on POC (Proof Of Concept) Projects or Internal implementation projects
They worked & put their effort to learn more about the technology
They persisted in their effort to meet the expectations of the industry/ job description
Did take quite a lot of mock interview prior to facing real interviewer
When they got job its not just that one training but the combined effort that helped them to Get that good paying job. So if you are lazy & looking for a quick success then training in Storage or Virtualization may not be the exact thing you need to search for. But I would say the effort or hard work you put will be worth it & you will rewarded richly if you persist in your efforts.
So get trained but be prepared to work more even after the training finishes, if you wanna build an exponential growth career in Storage or Virtualisation domains.
For people who want more resources on Virtualization or Vmware VI3 here is a website with Virtualization Videos. The free access to this site is for a very limited time as it is going to be developed into a Paid access site & protected with password. So GO get it & learn from Videos more about Vmware Virtualization.
I am developing Video training package on Virtualization the cost will be $500 since its more oriented towards Interviews & Job/Career progress, if interested do email
I want to keep limited members access to these Video training sessions on VI3 & VI3 interview preparation since I want to closely monitor the progress of the subscribers of this service.Hence please write in detail about your technical background/work experience & career details when u email for this service.
Posted by
10:58 AM
Labels: vi3 training, vmware esx server, vmware esx vc, vmware interview preparation, vmware phone interview, vmware training, vmware virtualization
Vmware Interview Questions helped get Storage Job is'nt this strange
One of the blog reader wrote to say that he got Storage Job in IBM because he was able to answer most of the Vmware Interview Questions. Ya I too got confused just like you. The job opening was for Storage & Virtualization administrator. But later they made it as 2 job openings.They wanted to hire a separate Storage administrator but expected him to have good knowledge of Virtualization, specifically Vmware VI3 ( Vmware Infrastructure 3). This blog reader had experience working on Storage for several years. But he was not well experienced on VI3 - ESX Server , Virtual Center etc.
He was aware of ESX Server & Virtual machines just that he had not worked extensively on ESX administration. So just 2 days before the actual interview he bought my 100 Interview Questions package ($100 - check top right corner) . I never recommend doing this way. Do NOT buy just few days before interview. I even get people buying just a couple hours before the interview. Thats crazy - there are very few chances that the same questions may be asked. But still people have confidence that if they can have this for reference & use it for a mock interview session that has indeed helped quite a few. Thats why people never complain & email me back.
Anyway I'm happy this package helps people in one or the other way to get good jobs. I'm not claiming my questions were solely responsible for him to get this job. Without the kind of Interview preparation or Experience in a solid technology like FC Switches or SAN he could not have got this job offer.
I never recommend you buy my Vmware Interview Questions package & just prepare on it(escape route actually) thats not at all gonna get you the job. You may be lucky but thats another story.What I would recommend instead is start your interview preparation quite few days earlier. Atleast 6-15 days early[Seems boring/dumb suggestion :) ].All the blog readers who followed this suggestion got 100% assured job offer. Thats the success rate if someone follows some of my boring/dumb suggestions.
Most of the job consultants do give that much time,a week or two for you to attend interview. If you have so many days start your actual preparation
1. Preparing your resume
2. Properly projecting your experience, projects , skillset
3. Being able to clearly explain your roles / responsibilities
4. Initiatives you took, team leadership you've shown
5. Excellence in a skillset or administration or a programming etc
6. Your ability to solve things or troubleshooting expertise etc
when you are preparing on all these aspects & say you are a Storage administrator or say you are a VI3 admin (ESX administrator/VC admin) then you need to cover some of the basics about the technology. That time you need to cover some of their product documentation or User guides. That time for reference you can use my 100 Interview Questions documents,only for reference or for a mock interview with the help of a friend. By going through a mock interview you are mentally perpared for what kind of questions or twisted scenario based questions can be expected.You increase the quality of the answers you give for an interviewer. You handle the interview in a much more confident manner. You feel that you are in control of the whole technical interview round. These feelings you can NOT get if you have not faced a MOCK INTERVIEW prior to your actual interview. So dont skip this suggestion.
I would again repeat DO NOT buy if u have an interview just in next 2 hours. (This is what quite a few did in the past). I dont feel happy when this package has less value to you.
I charge for the service/product & I want to see it being of some good value to you.
So I am trying to increase the value of this package > HOW ?
Planning to include more Questions & Answers from real interview experiences. Planning to include some Video links which are very relevant. Quite a few things are going to be added to this package. Obviously the price of the "Vmware Interview Questions" package is going to increase to $240. That will include access to some of the Videos about mock interviews of VI3 administration.
VI3 admin scenarios explained in video chat etc.
But whoever wants to buy this package immediately at $240 please email (Things are still being worked on so expect more updates on this)
Monday, August 04, 2008
Get High Salary Job just visiting this website & following the instructions
Yes this website has already helped some professionals get a High Salary Job in Vmware Virtualization Technology. Many may feel Virtualization is a tough technology - yes it is until you learn it. It is a challenging yet exciting job opportunity to work on Vmware Virtualization career. Here is a website which is covering many advanced as well as basic topics on Virtualization. It teaches you about Vmware's highly succesful product suite Vmware Infrastructure 3. This website is available for FREE access only for TODAY & TOMORROW. Yes this website is getting lots of updates & the web developer (a friend of mine) is actually making this a subscription based service so people in future need to pay to access the website. Hurry up now & check out the details on the website .
Learning Vmware Virtualization technology is crucial even if you are working as a Storage technology professional.Because Companies/Business/Individuals who are implementing Vmware or any Virtualization need Enterprise Storage solutions. (EMC & NetApp hence support as well as evangelise Virtualization implementation heavily). Any company which thinks of a company wide Virtualization implementation needs lots of Storage products & solution.I heard from Dell/IBM consultants who sell storage that they always follow Vmware sales team once Vmware sales team finish their presentation these Storage sales people have a easy walk to close deals. Virtualization has been a huge boon for Storage industry for sure. Not just that if I think on a bigger picture Virtualization is going to be a widely applied technology in almost all industries in future since it saves Power(Electricity),Cooling costs,Datacenter space,Machines/Servers/Hardware/Networking costs - overall a huge money saver.
So it makes career sense & business sense for you to start learning Vmware Virtualization. Vmware company which is owned by EMC2 is the present leader of Virtualization market. Though Microsoft is giving a tough challenge along with companies like Oracle,Sun microsystems,HP,Citrix(Xen),Virtual Iron,Virtuozzo to gain a major chunk of this market share. But for next few years if you learn Vmware then you can get hired by any of these major companies. As an example the few professionals who got benefited by this Vmware training website have joined these other companies though they learned Vmware Infrastructure 3(ESX Server,Virtual Center,Vmware Consolidate backup).
There are few videos on Vmware & Microsoft virtualization & it may seem too technical at first when you start going through this website. But if you can replay the same videos & try to understand what they are saying. If you have enough patience to go through each of the Video on this website then you definitely can understand more than 50% of this hot technology called Virtualization.
Here are the links on the site take time & have patience since the website is being accessed by so many that the Video loading may take time. Also the website is under constant development/modification so pardon if its down.
VMware Customers on VMware ESX Server 3i how effective is it
Server Consolidation with VMware: Capacity Planner
VMware Infrastructure at Mallesons Stephens Jacques
Disaster Recovery (DR) using Vmware software in schools of Collier County
Interesting to see IBM Consultant talk about Microsoft Virtualization solution
Posted by
10:28 AM
Labels: vi3 training, virtualization training, vmware, vmware training, vmware vi3, vmware virtualization
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Storage Technology Online Training Videos Web based training
Learning through Videos is the fastest & most effective method after learning from an instructor or a personal trainer. Cost of a personal trainer is high to learn Storage technology hence a team I know very well is developing a website for Storage fundamentals + SAN training using Videos. Learning from Videos that too Web based videos has advantages like
- you learn at your own pace,
- you replay the video & see it number of times to perfect the concept or technology
A separate website is being developed by a team of Storage professionals who will be Sharing some of their industry experiences,
Giving you tips for a Career in Storage technology
But main focus will be to give you a Strong Fundamental knowledge on Storage technology
The topics covered will be around(This is just the initial list I got they promised that it will grow more soon, lot more will be covered)
Storage Basics
SAN(Storage Area Network): SAN components
SAN Hardware
SAN Software
SAN Configuration & Troubleshooting overview
iSCSI (SCSI over IP)
FC (Fibre Channel)
Storage connectivity & interfaces:SCSI,SAS,SATA & more.
There will be huge bonus additional Videos & materials like
- What to expect in Storage job interviews
- Tips to prepare your resume to get more interviews from Storage companies
- Tips for interview preparation for Storage technology job openings
- Tips for prioritizing what to give importance & which topics you need to perfect
- You will receive 300+ interview questions from different Storage company interviews which itself is valued at $100. You get this free when you join for this Video training membership website.
Cost for this web based training access will be $500 (USD) payable through paypal or credit card. Those who are interested please email today & confirm your interest. The access to this membership based website will be limited only to few since the website development team wants to work more closely with the members & provide some additional value adds, hence I would recommend you to email today & confirm your interest to join.
You will soon get to see a preview Video from their list of Storage Technology Videos on this blog. You will also see lot more updates about this new website being developed soon on this blog.May be I will post some of the reviews or Videos from members who joined & benefited from this web based training website.
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: san training, storage area network training, storage interview preparation, storage interview questions, storage interview training, storage training
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
IMMEDIATE HIRING in NEW YORK for Storage professional contract position for 6 months.
Here is a job opening for which one of my hiring friends has forwarded. This is for Albany, New York. Please send your resume to immediately if you are interested.
Experienced engineer who has in depth knowledge in SAN 9980, Net App, IBM 3200, 3400 and Adaptec devices.
This contract position would be on the customers site for approx 6 months.
AN storage located on the same 9980 frame noted above, backed up using
Beta Systems Rapid Exchange product to MF Tape.
Separate 9960 frame configured as SAN storage for the Part D program.
Net Backup system with single cabinet Tape silo using LTO 2 drives,
using external Decru encryption device.
Various smaller SAN/NAS components eg. Net App, IBM 3200, 3400 and
Adaptec devices.
Responsibilities :
Manages the SAN, backup and restore environments and requirements
at the receiving data center for the migration groups.
Recommended Previous Experience :
3 years previous experience with data migration,scripting and documenting
standard procedures.
Working knowledge and understanding of clients internal processes and
tools such as NSR, GCARS, OAR, NetEiss and the procurement process
Has at least 2 years participation experience with SRT/RCA activities.
Has working technical knowledge (3 years minimum) of the migrating
storage technologies in scope of the Transformation, including storage
management software (Backup, SAN & NAS)
At least 3 years previous experience with the following; replication
projects, resolution of connectivity and performance issues.
Demonstrated ability to provide technical guidance to other technical
resources in area of expertise.
Send your resume to immediately as this is immediate hiring requirement.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Labels: new york jobs, new york salary, new york software jobs, new york storage, san jobs new york, storage openings, storage opportunities, storage professional
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Build your own Network Attached Storage NAS for FREE see this Video Tutorial
Its true that building a storage infrastructure is an expensive exercise. But you can also build an inexpensive storage solution if you dont want a mission critical solution.Here are videos explaining how you can build your own Network Attached Storage NAS.You can build a NAS storage target using any of supported old PC but if you can put a good enough machine(P4 processor,around 512megabytes of RAM) add 2-3 Gigabit NIC cards(1000Mbps Network cards) then you can build a heavy duty NAS box. The beauty of this whole story is the software which is the heart of this whole storage solution is free its called "FreeNAS". Its a FreeBSD based OS which you can download for free from You can get the embedded version or live version - you can download the iso .
Burn this iso file on a CD.
Boot your machine with this FreeNAS live bootable CD.
Do necessary configurations like : Add drives,Format drives,Mount drives,Enable services like : NFS,FTP,CIFS
NFS(Network File System) > To access NAS volumes from Solaris,Linux or Unix flavours
CIFS (Common Internet File System)(Same as windows file sharing protocol) > To access across Windows OS machines
FTP(File Transfer Protocol) to access from any machine(Win/*nix) as long as you have a FTP client installed
other services like ssh etc/
Next configuration is if you are choosing NFS allow permissions to the IP or IP address range so that they can access these NAS volumes.
Thats it the whole NAS configuration can be completed in less than an hour including boottime.
Watch these videos & write your feedback to roger.smithson @ about your experiment. More advanced Storage videos are being created by some of my blog readers.
I'm in the process of creating a separate website where you can access lots of Storage advanced tutorial Videos. Its all going to be video based tutorial to help you learn fast. Access to this Membership website will be a paid service. Do write & tell us if you are interested to pay to get access to this site.I want to limit the number of members to the paid site to just 50 members. So email today if you are interested in this paid service.
Yes information is available on loads of other sites for FREE why am I charging for my website access. I've kept this blog growing for more than a year but the support recieved in return for this effort was not that great. So I thought if I wanna build something much more advanced & efficient keeping it free will not help since people dont take it seriously. I'm sure there are hundreds or thousands who got benefited from this blog but hardly few have done anything to help this grow. For those of you who supported me till now I'll give free access to the membership website.For others it will be a paid website. Because to succeed you need filtered information. Information which helps you take less time to succeed in your career.
Do email if you are willing to pay for special member site access where advanced Storage tutorials are being made accessible.
FreeNAS configuration steps explained in detail
Need patience video : FreeNAS booting & commandline configuration in DOS kinda scree
Find out how many servers being made to run on FreeNAS
Making a 4 Terabyte Server with Freenas.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Labels: das nas san, NAS, network attached storage, software tutorials, software videos, storage, storage tutorials
EMC ClARiiON SAN array introduction video tutorial more indepth videos to come soon
More in depth videos about SAN arrays from both EMC & Network Appliance will be posted soon.
Keep reading this blog & email roger.smithson @ for feedback
These videos are produced by a reader & I encourage others to contribute as well.
Posted by
7:42 PM
Labels: clariion, emc interview questions, emc job interview, emc san, job interview, san array, storage
Friday, June 13, 2008
Should I outsource to China,India or United Kingdom
I'd love this blog to grow with quality tech content & thats what has been missing from a long long time. So I was thinking why not ask my readers to write & I'll post their emails with tech content.
Another thing I was reminescing about was - Why dont I outsource this blogging. Someone from UK,USA,China or India may be interested to write articles on my behalf & I reward you in someway. So anyone interested to blog about Storage industry,Storage technology,Career opportunities in Data Storage IT segment.
If you have patience & interest to do blogging on this Weblog plz email roger.smithson @ The whole process is simple you email me the articles & I publish it. I can help in your career as a reward or I can do something in return.
Im sure there are lotsa people willing to share info without any interest for rewards. Lemme see how'll be the response for this article. Anyway outsourcing is definitely a cool option as long as the quality of the blog posts are maintained. Again thats another story :)
Reason I started thinking about outsourcing was couple of guys have started creating videos from the content published on this blog & then I thought why dont I ask them to write more original & useful articles which can be published on this blog.
This is a thought & dont take it seriously. You will see more tech updates from me soon.
Posted by
11:24 AM
Labels: outsource, software career guidance, software jobs, storage, storage area network
Software Testing Tutorial videos from blog readers
For one or other reason I was not able to post any new articles on this blog for quite sometime.
Some of my blog readers have started making videos about storage technology which I'll be posting here soon. I'd encourage everyone to do some video from their experience with their point of view - share with all others.
These are very basic videos about Software Testing sent by a blog reader. Will upload more videos once they are properly edited.
Why is this topic of software testing coming here & why does this other blog looks very similar to me 'cause this guy has copied my template with permission. Testing is the stream which has loads of job opportunities these days hence Software testing tutorial videos had to be featured in here.
I'd love to create some videos for you in future but till then you gotta watch others videos on this blog :) . Still you'l getta learn a lot.
Feel free to share more tech video links from your side email roger.smithson @
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: software testing, testing tutorials
Monday, June 09, 2008
Storage Jobs Blog has a video uploaded in Youtube - More videos to come soon
It was interesting to see a video on youtube about this Storage Technology Jobs Blog. One of the blog reader has taken time to do it & uploaded that on
Now I thought of asking my readers to upload more interesting Videos about the blog & I will reward you with FREE Storage technology training materials.
Email roger.smithson @ when you upload any video about Storage Jobs Blog.
More Tutorial Videos with audio will be uploaded & updated on this blog. Please send your feedback & requests to my email id
Posted by
5:32 AM
Labels: job videos, storage jobs videos, storage videos, tutorial videos
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hire a Virtualization professional worth $50000 easily Get Virtualization domain expert on your team
Yes a skilled Virtualization domain expert is invaluable to any company she/he joins. I was fortunate to come across a Virtualization technology professional who showed interest for being hired by any Big/Best companies. I'll call this person as "MSX" since she/he wants to remain anonymous for all others. "MSX" shared with me some nice tips about Storage & Virtualization trends then I thought I should do something in return for her/him."MSX" asked me few questions like :
Can this blog help someone like her/him to get into a new job?
Does this Storage Jobs blog have visitors/blog readers who are hiring consultants?
Do you get some headhunters coming & reading your blog?
These were very interesting questions & I said I'd love to experiment it. I'm not sure how many hiring consultants/recruiters/headhunters/career consultants read this blog but I'm sure that if I can write about her/his "Software Professional Summary" definitely she/he will get some real positive replies.How many replies do we get I would love to see.
So find below the job profile of this Storage & Virtualization professional who is interested in job openings. You can email me & I'll pass on the info to her/him as to who are interested to hire her/him. She/He prefers jobs in US,UK,Singapore. Read below her/his experience summary in her/his own words.(Definitely this is not me , if it were me I would have written 10+ pages about my job experience,skillset :) Just to impress the recruiter, she/he has written very less in my view :)
OK this is a serious professional with years of experience interested for a new challenging job opportunity.She/He loves US,UK,and also prefers Singapore job openings.
Profile Summary and Domain Interest
A VMware Certified Professional (VCP on VI3) and presently involved with design and development of new features and technologies associated with VMware VI3,ESX Server product line.I have serveral years of experience in Systems,Virtualization,Storage.
I'm looking for prospective opportunities in the "real world" implementation of virtualization technologies like VMware (and likes of Microsoft Hyper-V, Xen etc). I am open to being considered for different/varied technical roles and positions in this space – interoperability and testing, performance evaluation,development, design, implementation and consulting, technology comparison.
Core Skill Set
VMWare ESX Server 3.X– internals, configuration
VMWare Virtual Infrastructure (3.X) Suite
- I have sound knowledge of various components that form VMware's Virtual Infrastructure suite like ESX Server, Virtual Center/ VC server,VI client, vMotion, DRS, HA, Storage Vmotion, Service Console, Virtual Networking, Storage and SAN configuration with ESX, Security Features, Performance, Licensing etc.
- I have attended comprehensive and detailed training programs on various VMware VI3 topics listed above.
- I have also donned the trainer's role and have given training to various teams (especially Quality Engineering teams) on varied topics like
VMware ESX storage stack, SAN configuration, Troubleshooting ESX Server issues and Log diagnosis
Miscellaneous topics like iSCSI configuration with ESX, Building vSANS with ESX etc
Administration with Server Console command line options.
VMWare ESX Server 3i (embedded) – internals, configuration
- I have a good knowledge of VMware ESX Server 3i architecture, the embedded new generation ESX Server (bundled in firmware with recent Dell/HP servers)
- I'm trained on ESX Server 3i administration
Core work experience with VMware ESX server storage stack.
-I have hands-on experience with ESX Server storage stack - inclusive of the
overall architecture, various layers of the I/O path, VMFS concepts, snapshots etc, Latest storage array support, device driver layers etc.
Linux Internals and Device Drivers
- Prior to working with companies related to Virtualization technologies, I have worked earlier on block based device drivers on Linux 2.6 kernels and have relevant knowledge in the 2.6 Linux kernel internals.
Storage Basics – Fibre-Channel basics, iSCSI basics, SAN, NAS,
Being in the SAN/storage space, I have basic to deep level range of knowledge in the various storage technologies depending on the projects I have worked.
I would appreciate if you email roger ( incase if you are interested to hire me.
Posted by
12:43 PM
Labels: career, jobs, microsoft hyperv, microsoft virtualization, salary, storage, virtualization, vmware
Thursday, May 15, 2008
This post is worth $1000 if you are looking to get hired by Vmware
Yes I could have easily charged readers $100 each & made $1000 just for this post.
But I'm giving it for free - reason this article is contributed by one of my blog reader. I really thank him & appreciate his support. He wants to remain anonymous contributor but I'll call him Mr.XV .Thanks XV I appreciate you taking time & writing this article for the blog. I'd request you to write more & share them with 1000s of visitors reading this blog daily.
Seems like these days Vmware company is on a roll & its hiring like anything. Reason I'm saying this 'cause lots of my site visitors either search for "Vmware interview questions" or email me asking for that. Also I'm getting quite a few emails with blogreaders asking how to prepare for a Developer job profile in Vmware Inc. Storage knowledge + VMware expertise has been a killer combination that helped lotsa my readers get good jobs in recent months.
One of my Storage Jobs Blog reader who attended a similar interview wrote & shared his experience & permitted me to publish the same in this post. This post is worth $1000 'cause it can get you a job worth $5000++ per month. But this is like an index article. It just gives an outline of what you need to cover if you're interested in Vmware's developer job openings.I know the expectations for this kind of a job profile is huge. I know not everyone can give this a try. But for those who want to reach out to the Virtualization market leader & love to be part of their development team here's a checklist of what you should cover before attempting their job interview.
Mr.XV one of my blogreader has been nice to write summarising from his experience of attempting some of these Vmware developer job interviews. Thanks XV for writing & sharing this info with the blog readers.I would love to see you write more about your adventures of job hunting in California.
Topics to read up:
Be thorough with OS fundamental topics like
System Calls - what they are, how they work (especially in Intel x86 architecture)- 'cause its x86 architecture on which Vmware's ESX,Vmware Infrastructure & most of Vmware's products are built on.
Processes and threads - basic concepts, differences between them, fork/exec working, Copy on write.Copy-on-write (sometimes referred to as "COW") is an optimization strategy used in computer programming. The fundamental idea is that if multiple callers ask for resources which are initially indistinguishable, you can give them pointers to the same resource. This function can be maintained until a caller tries to modify its "copy" of the resource, at which point a true private copy is created to prevent the changes becoming visible to everyone else. All of this happens transparently to the callers. The primary advantage is that if a caller never makes any modifications, no private copy need ever be created.
Process scheduling - basics of cpu scheduling, Multi-processing, scheduling
algorithms like RR(Round-Robin), FIFO(First In First Out), dynamic priority, Linux O(1) scheduler etc
File systems - VFS, basics of how VFS handling file open and file read/write,
Page Cache concepts. virtual file system (VFS) or virtual filesystem switch is an abstraction layer on top of a more concrete file system. The purpose of a VFS is to allow client applications to access different types of concrete file systems in a uniform way. A VFS can, for example, be used to access local and network storage devices transparently without the client application noticing the difference. It can be used to bridge the differences in Windows, Mac OS and Unix filesystems, so that applications can access files on local file systems of those types without having to know what type of file system they're accessing.
Get to know about VMFS if you have time.(Virtual Machine File System) is VMware, Inc.'s cluster file system
Device drivers concepts - character drivers vs block drivers and differences, How a typical device driver gets dynamically loaded into kernel and gets it work processed
OS synchronization concepts - semaphores, spinlocks etc
Interrupt handling
Memory Manager - basic concepts, Page table handling, Demand Paging, Swapping, malloc/free handling, Process Address space handling
Other concepts you can read up on based on your expected job profile and background - DMA, x86 architecure, x86 programming, Caching and cache coherency concepts, Specific file systems internals like ext3, reiserfs, ufs etc, distributed computing and clustering concepts
DMA: is a feature of modern computers that allows certain hardware subsystems within the computer to access system memory for reading and/or writing independently of the central processing unit. Many hardware systems use DMA including disk drive controllers, graphics cards, network cards, and sound cards. Computers that have DMA channels can transfer data to and from devices with much less CPU overhead than computers without a DMA channel.
Without DMA, using programmed input/output (PIO) mode, the CPU is typically fully occupied for the entire duration of the read or write operation and is thus unavailable to perform other work. With DMA, the CPU would initiate the transfer, do other operations while the transfer is in progress, and receive an interrupt from the DMA controller once the operation has been done. This is especially useful in real-time computing applications where not stalling behind concurrent operations is critical.
One book that is good for the above basics is
Operating System concepts by Silberschatz, Galvin
Other indepth book is
Solaris Internals &/or Understanding the Linux kernel v3 by Bovett,Cessati
Posted by
7:54 PM
Labels: software developer, Storage vmware, virtualization, vmware developer jobs, vmware face, vmware interview, vmware interview answers, vmware telephonic
Friday, April 25, 2008
One of my blogreader got a job on Vmware Virtualization technolgy
I was happy to recieve an email today from one of my blog reader that he got a job offer letter from Accenture on Vmware virtualization technology. He wrote to thank me for the guidance I gave him prior to his interviews.
I'm copying few lines from his email here::
"Overcoming fear of interviews is the first factor to success. We can overcome interview fears only when we are strong in the technology. Though I had been working on some specific segment of Vmware Infrastructure 3 I was not having a strong base in VI3. Also I never got time to cover other solid features of VI3. This was the reason why I always feared taking interviews. Though I had posted my resume online on various job portals & I was getting lots of interview calls from job consultants, I feared taking interviews.
This fear was mainly due to lack of preparation.I was fearing failure & I was fearing facing some body who'll grill me for hours to know what am I worthy of. I hated answering those questions like : Why should we hire you?
Why are you leaving your present job?
What are your weakness ?
Many a times thinking about explaining for the usual questions like : Tell me about yourself ? used to make me think that I need more time to prepare. I was confused should I perfect my technical skills or should I focus on how I present myself in interview. There were tons of worries troubling me & making me awake many a nights like:
Should I continue in VI3 administration role
Or Should I work as a consultant & start my career in VI3 consulting
some more wierd questions like : Do I know enough in VI3 or should I take more time to perfect what I've known already.
Also there were other areas to cover too like Linux administration, Windows related stuff,Network administration IPV6,VLAN etc etc. I thought its too much & I kept postponing my studies or preparation.
Roger thanks for your guidance & thanks for all the pointers you've published on the blog,thanks for all the email. I somehow managed to overcome my fear. I thought why not I give some mock interviews. I pleaded a lot of friends & I also asked you to take mock interview. Since you took that mock interview through Gtalk it was easy for me. I was able to overcome my fear of facing somebody. Since I wrote my answers I got more confidence. Then i took some more time to prepare. I polished my expertise in VI3 configuration, deployment, troubleshooting. Also thanks for the list of tips you emailed me for VI3 related interview preparation. It did help to some extent. I was able to give all 6 rounds of interview at Accenture & I'm happy to say now that they've offered me a good job with a good pay.
Thanks Roger for all the help & Thanks for helping me overcome my fear. Keep blogging & please write more about Vmware technology."
After reading this email I thought publishing it would definitely help many others overcoming their fears in facing the interview process.
I would invite (really appreciate) if my blog readers write to me sharing their interview experiences & sharing what helped them succeed in getting their job. If you could write sharing more about your interview preparations & any tips & if you allow me publish your email I would be thankful to you.
Ofcourse I promise never to reveal your identity or any personal info online.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Labels: emc2 vmware, face 2 face interview, personal interview, telephonic interview, vi3 interview, vmware interview, vmware telephonic, vmware vi3
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Blogreader shares an article from his thoughts
[This may not be exactly useful tech stuff but it can definitely give some idea what sort of things we will run into in our lives.]
It is really amazing the way in which our mind can think and process. Its sheer ability to pour out some of the most brilliant ideas and schemes ( lets not dwell on the thoughts about the nobility of these ideas) Well amidst all this I had a idea that struck me and that was to pen these desolate thoughts of mine.
When it comes to striking a goldmine of thoughts ,when it comes to that very important idea we are looking for , I realized that we seem to get it in the most strangest of the places. Different people have different approaches to attain their very enlightenment. Its not unusual that Some GET it while traveling, some in their sleep and I get (believe or not)in the Loo.
Yes that's true ,throughout my life whenever I an shot of ideas to solve a problem it was the Loo that offered the trigger. I don't understand why destiny chose such an unlikely spot but perhaps for the privacy and probably the relief it offers(pun intended)……
I remember scheming my most brilliant moves against my enemies from within the walls of the LOO…Those ideas that made them look like Morons. Even the most formidable of the problems had a n answer o it. Either fix it or find a work around until you find a permanent fix. To be able to solve literally any problem one needs to have his options open …and to have multiple options in the first place is a bliss. My dad always says," Look around with a clear mind and you will find your solutions lying around you, probably in the trash can".
We have a mind with a ability to think @ the speed of light if I may say so..Now only if that speed could be channelised in the right direction else we risk the chances to be more confused than before. WE are all programmed I such a way that every time a problem crops up, we run the "Fight or flight" process.
I belong to the flight club as may be the case a with a lot of you guys. I always considered that by dodging the problem at the moment, I could recollect myself and then take on the fight( which seemingly never happens).Postponement leads to only on thing -postponement and with the asking rate going skywards only till the doomsday arrived.
So what's the solution / why is it that way? I looked for the answer everywhere (literally everywhere) and couldn't find it……….., only to realise that it was within me..I had not looked into myself. Rather went on a futile hunt in places where there was just dismal emptiness.
But an idea or a thought just doesn't happen always , there is always a trigger. A memory perhaps. The mind holds a huge bouquet of memories which smell the most beautiful and yet sting like thorns. The most ironic fact about memories is that they are not our slaves. They happen all the time and are out of our control. One of the most ironic fact about memories is that we seem to remember even the details of a bad memory and we have faded memories of any good time that we may have had. Ironic indeed ! ! !
As John Milton says,
"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n"
Email & let me know if u liked this or not roger.smithson @
Posted by
3:52 AM
Labels: career advice, career plans, decisions, how to, job winning, right decisions, sure job, what to
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