Storage Area Networking SAN NAS Fibre Channel iSCSI

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

FC Interview questions Fibre Channel Interview Questions Fabric Frame FCAL

Fiber Channel Interview questions from Storage,Network and System administration interview experiences are given here.Answers will be given if you email & send your CV :

1. What is FC ?
2. What are the advantages of FC ?
3. Mention the differences between FC & SCSI ?
4. Explain the layers in FC Protocol ?
5. What are the functions of layer2 and layer3 in FC ?
6. What are different FC topologies ?
7. What is the difference between point to point & Switched in FC ?
8. Explain FC-AL ?
9. Explain the process of initialization in FC ?
10.Explain these terms : LIFA,LIPA,LIHA,LISA
11.What is a Fabric and what are its components ?
12.What are the different FC ports ?
13.Explain different types of flow controls ?
14.What is the difference between buffer to buffer and End to End flow control ?
15.What are the different classes of Services and explain them ?
16.Explain addressing in FC ?
17.Explain FC login process ?
18.What is transmission character and transmission word ?
19.What is a frame, sequence and exchange ?
20.Explain FC frame composition ?
21.Why do we need login in FC ?
22.How many connections are possible in FC ?
23.What are the maximum devices supported in each topologies of FC ?
24.What is the difference between FC & iSCSI ?
25.Mention the FC Controller card manufacturers you know ?

IF U WANT 200 STORAGE,FIBRE CHANNEL,SAN INTERVIEW QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS it costs only $15 email for more information.

Fibre Channel Controller Card ( Gigabit FC )

FC Layer structure

FC Architecture explained through diagram (another way of representation of Fibre channel layers)

Interview questions on SCSI,HBA,RAID,storage device types

Below are the interview questions collected from various real interview experiences - Answers will be given if you email

Keep reading this blog as many more Real Storage industry interview questions will be shared here from professionals who had attended these interviews & emailed me their experiences

1. What is SCSI ? What is SASI
2. What are the advantages of SCSI compared to ATA or IDE ?
3. Explain SCSI ID usage & its usage in narrow SCSI ?
4. Give SCSI Evolution ( Mention different types of SCSI )
5. What is CDB ?
6. What are different SCSI command phases ?
7. Mention device types in SCSI-3 ?
8. What is the difference between LVD & HVD ?
8. What is the difference between SE & Differential (HVD) SCSI ?
9. What is a LUN ?
10.Mention differences between SCS-1,2 and 3 ?
11. What is a terminator ?
12.What are the differences between synchronous & asynchronous SCSI ?
13.What is the default ID of SCSI HBA ?
14.How you will install device drivers for HBA during OS installation ?
15.What is parallel SCSI daisy chaining ?
16.Explain arbitration & Selection process ?
17. What are the maximum no. of devices supported in SCS-1,2 and 3 ?
18. What is the maximum length of cable supported in SCS-1,2 and 3 ?
19. What is the difference between a SCSI HBA & SCSI RAID Controller card ?
20. What is the Disk speed of different SCSI drives ?

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