Interview Success Map created specially for storage blog readers
I wanted to Thank YOU, all the blog readers who take time to visit & read boring :) articles on this website(blog). Here is a very useful gift for you. These images are part of "Interview Success Maps". I worked with one of my friend from another country to get this created for you. This was actually planned to be sold for $24 along with some more Mindmaps but I'm giving this away free. I rarely give something for free since I've learnt that people dont respect what they get for free.
(People who are interested to pay email There are Virtualization & Storage Success Maps for you & they are not free they cost just $24. You will see their sample updated on a future blog article.)
These "Interview Success Maps" are derived from experiences of blog readers who have been attending Real Job interviews. This is not theory this is not some boring stuff this is a Simple Image. Its a detailed Road map. If I were to explain this I would take probably more than 2 hours just to explain each box & how important you make sure you've covered them properly before you actually go & sit infront of the interviewer. This flowmap helps you to easily outline what tasks out of the whole "Interview Preparation Process" you've completed & what needs to be done.
Lots of my blog readers are good in technical aspects but they do a very bad interview preparation.This has been the major reason why they were not getting offer letters though they were technically very strong. Actual preparation towards their job interviews was very bad, the preparation was messy & the outcome obviously was not great,few lucky ones got job offers though they had not done proper interview process preparation just because there is a huge demand for Storage & Virtualization professionals. If I asked them "Have you done any interview preparation" (Do you know what it takes to actually prepare for a Technical Interview in Storage or Virtualisation?) . The answer was always - Ya I know, I've done enough projects in storage/virtualisation , i have quite a lot of lab experience, I've been involved in field deployments , I've done my theory preparation & whats there in interview just go there & answer a couple of their stupid questions.I'm confident I know more than all those geeky a** h*** who are taking the interviews" (Yikes - this was the answer always :(
I'm sorry this is the reality people feel preparing for an interview is a pain in the *** . So they just dont want to do it. From my experience what I've seen is lotsa people just wanna avoid interview they'll be glad to jump the bus if they were hired without an interview. O dreamy fellow ...dreams cant get ur bread n butter so stop dreaming & do the necessary preps.
So this simple flow chart or Road Map was prepared to help people follow a structure , discipline their preparation & help them achieve better results. This is given FREE to help you get a good job offer. Do email & write if this is crappy or it was helpful. Lots of jobseekers in storage & vmware virtualisation have been actually writing to me asking for guidance in words. I created an Image for them. Its value will be known only to a person who has failed in several interviews just 'cause he has not done those essential preps.
For those who are in industry for a long time this looks natural & they may not appreciate it more.'cause they know all these by experience but when they attend interview they hardly follow this flow even though they know that this helps them win more job offers.
This crappy diagram or flow chart was created for those who take interest in organizing themselves in their job hunting experience. You can search throughout web there is hardly anything like this. So what I believe is people dont just download this & throw this image file in any folder. Instead I insist you try to adopt this model or any modified model in your interview preparation time & see the result yourself.
I help few people through web in their job search process (PAID service :) & all of them gave a feedback that this helped them know how many tasks they ignore while they were expecting interview calls. They said with this now they can prepare their own checklist & can simplify the whole cumbersome experience of attending a Software Job interview.
Forgive the small fonts/letters/hand writing the image was captured at 5Megapixel so you can enlarge & see what has been written. Feel free to share or forward or send this to your friends or anyone who can benefit from these.
If you can create a similar or better Flow chart or checklist or Mindmap or anything which can help in Software job Interview or Job hunting process please do send to so it can be shared with all the blog readers.
More FAST Learning (Success Maps) materials to come - For the success of this Storage technology Blog's Readers :)