Are you really serious about Getting a Software Job Fast?
If you are really serious about Getting a Software Job Fast then
- Email and write in detail what you've done so far to get an IT job
- What are your minimum expectations from a Software Job
- What are the factors you think you have which can help you get a software job
- How much efforts and dedication are you willing to put to get a Software Job
- How many interviews you got so far ( how many of them are over the telephone and how many in person )
Answer these in detail - if you are unable to take out sufficient time to write in detail then please do not expect me to help you
I am looking for Serious Candidates who are willing to put their best efforts and follow instructions - I intend to mentor them in their job search
But if you are NOT willing to put the time,effort and dedication required for Getting a Software Job then please refrain from emailing me.
I am willing to do Live Webinars to address specific areas which can help you get job
I will only invite those who are serious , who are willing to put efforts and do some work before they expect mentoring from my side.
I am forming a global virtual team who will be mentored by me and who will support each other in this process of getting an IT/Sofware Job.
Stop finding excuses to be depressed, take action and reach out to me and email me in detail
You must be willing to contribute some time and efforts to help me and others in this initiative of helping this Global team of Job Searching Professionals
If you are NOT willing to give back( support and help others) then this may not be the right team for you.
To put it in simple words - I need a team who are willing to give time and efforts if they wish to benefit from my efforts.