Interview Questions in Storage technology area are not that easy to predict
It does not help if you just prepare for a set of interview questions. Specifically in a technology domain like Storage or even Virtualization you need to have strong foundation. You should have got hands on experience. Also you should have spent time to learn many things which can be termed as advance technical skill. Some people just collect interview questions & start attending interviews JUST on the basis of those questions. Its worse. True some questions may repeat. But more than depending on few qustions why not spend some solid hours,days, months if time is available to perfect what you are working on.
I've seen people coming from real experience background in storage not able to clearly explain some of the basics. I've also seen people in FC segment not being aware of anything from iSCSI or FCOE areas. Also many people have forgotten the good old Clariion they just know latest stuff & latest CAS etc.
I would always encourage you to prepare seriously for your storage interviews. Having few questions as refence is fine but in Storage any topic you take can become an interview question. So stop searching for interview questions since I know you came here searching for that in Google. Google thankfully lists this website in Top 1 position for "storage interview questions". I've been forced by some of the blog readers to post more interview questions. So before I do that I just want you to start reading "Storage Complete Reference" by Tata McGraw hill. Also get as much handson experience as possible as there is no replacement for that.