Vmware Interview Questions Virtualization Vmotion HA DRS Disaster Recovery
Knowledge & work exposure in storage , networking , security , enterprise servers deployment is also very essential if you want to build your career in Virtualization. So do read all other materials/posts on this blog which cover all these above mentioned topics.
Some more interview questions from Vmware Technical Interviews
1. Explain your Virtualization Implementation?
2. What are the advantages of Virtualization ?
3. Which company's products you've worked on for your Virtulization projects?
4. Difference between XEN and Vmware virtualization product suites?
5. What is Live Migration & Cold Migration ?
6. To configure Storage on ESX Server what are the conditions to be met ?
6. Using NAS or iSCSI how can you create datastores on an ESX server?
7. What is HA? Explain HA configuration that you've done?
8. Difference between HA and DRS ?
9. How do you know how many NICs are configured in ESX server
10.Diffrence b/w vCPU and pCPU ?
11.What is the difference between vSwitch & pSwitch?
12. what is VLAN? Whats the advantage of using a VLAN ?
13.How do you configure active directory,DNS,Samba servers if I give u only an ESX Server machine & another client machine ?
14.How do you configure security for your Virtual Infrastructure ?
15.Explain some performance improvements tweaks for a Virtual infrastructure ?