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Monday, June 20, 2011

Webinar on "Working in US Getting Paid thousands of US dollars per month"

Webinar on "Working in US Getting Paid thousands of US $s per month"

I am seriously writing a book on "How To Get Software Job & How To Double Your Salary in IT Job" .
I thought I need to get more people to contribute their writing,experiences to this book.

So here is a way to encourage all of you to contribute to my Book ( and Im stating now itself that all the writings will be copyrighted by me including any of your contribution :)

As a push to encourage you to contribute Im doing a Live Webinar on a very Interesting Topic.

This is NOT a formal webinar - this is a very informal discussion sharing from some of my experiences.
Disclaimer: For all facts you are encouraged to check all other sources(websites/legal experts/overseas consultants) & not just rely on what I say.
I'm not responsible for your decisions and their consequences -i'm talking about the decisions you take based on what you get to know from this webinar.
You must reach out to other sources of information to get all facts clarified before taking any critical decisions related to your Immigration,Career,Future.
I'm not an expert on this topic but Im sharing few thoughts from my own & my known people's experiences after being in US for a year.

Majority of people are interested to visit USA atleast once as a Tourist.

Some of the people are keen to come to US & Get a Job working as a Software Engineer/IT Professional in an US company.

For those who are interested to "Get into US & work in US" - they have lots of confusion & concerns since no one properly shares info

For such who are interested in this topic I'm planning to do a Live Webinar where you can get to listen on some of the below topics

- Are there still Jobs in US - Yes there are even in recession I've seen companies hiring & lots of interview scheduled ( I will talk about the kinds of jobs for which hiring is still ongoing)
- Is working in US better than your own or any other country companies in terms of experience, tech exposure - definitely - I will elaborate on this in the webinar
- How to get into US so that you are legally eligible to work (Visa stuff - few tips in this area - as its really vast - very little coverage on this area as you will be given links to websites which go in depth on this topic discussion)
- Visa related links (websites which share the info)
- Once you are in US with work visa - How to get job in US (preparing for the interviews)
- How are the interview process in US
- What different options you have to work in US ( types of job - contract, permanent ,internship,freelance - etc) - which ones are better
- How much salary you can expect for say a 3 yr / 4 yr/ 5 yr IT professional
- Is there good scope for technology which you've worked on in india( technologies like Storage,Virtualization,Software testing, Database administration etc)
- How are the interview process
- Joining as a Consultant(on contract) vs Joining as a Fulltime Permanent employee which option is better
- Are there really people being hired even for Fulltime positions - Do you have a chance of getting hired as a permanent employee in an US company ?
- How are the magnitude of companies - Startups, Small enterprises, Large multi nation corporations etc
- Importance of documentation ( Legal papers, your Education documents, your work experience & other legal documents)

There are lots of people who are working in their own city/Country or any other part of their Country -
There are people who love their own city/Country or any other part of Country where they already have a decent paying Job

If you love being in your own city/Country & dont want to leave it then dont bother to attend this webinar.

But if you are seriously thinking of trying your luck in getting to US on work visa & trying for a job in US - then this webinar may give you a little bit of Information.
You still have to take a lot more action, research, followup to actually make it happen - its not simple but its also not impossible

Realise the effort & luck you need to have to get the opportunity of working in US.

So if you are interested to attend this webinar you have 2 options

Option 1 - You need to write 5000 word article ( you can divide it into 500 word 10 articles - each article with 500 words) - Write about your work experience, best & worst moments of your IT work experience, how you struggled to get your job, how you progressed & changed jobs, what you look for in your next job, what are you doing to get your next/dream job

Option 2 - Pay US $ 47 Rs [Limited time discounted price - Actually priced at US $ 197 ] & you dont have to bother writing any article - you can attend the webinar with this payment.
[This limited price holds true only till 24th of this month - Price will be increased after that if you want to attend - so take action & take this opportunity if you feel it worthy]

PLEASE NOTE- After you choose either Option1 or Option2 & attend the webinar whether you are satisfied with the content - discussion of the webinar or NOT(whether you are satisfied with this webinar or not satisfied) - there is NO refund of your payment & no return of article ownership.Once you submit articles we completely own the right to your article & you can legally giveup your rights.

Also - those who choose Option 1 - you are completely giving away the rights of your article to ME. I own complete ownership of your article & I can use it in my book or website or videos. I will try to protect your privacy(will change names & details so some of your personal info is not given away). But I will be completely owning the copyright of your submitted article & You will no longer claim any royalty over it. You must finish the 5000 words article within 5 days as Webinar is going to arranged in a very short notice.

Long back a student of mine paid US $1,000 to learn something from me - he then with some other's guidance went to US & is working now in US with a salary which is US $3000 on hand(take home). Another student of mine paid US $1,200 for a training on a technical topic & he went to Dubai & is working in Dubai & other parts of UAE with a salary of US $3500(take home). Definitely these are NOT typical results. Not everyone can be succesful like them. Because it requires a LOT of hard work , lot of action & a lot of luck - right timing too.
Its just like a high salary job - just because its tough that does not mean you have to stop trying for it. Instead you have to try with as much discipline & dedication as possible - if you dont get it atleast you may improve a bit more from your present situation . I see lot of people who got job spending their life lazily without worrying about future or progress.

Instead you can take some initiative - which MAY or MAY NOT give some results in a long run. Nothing wrong in taking a little risk & trying a little more.

Knowledge is precious. Knowledge is priceless. The fee Im asking to share this knowledge is not a lot.

I may increase the fee very soon & dont complain if you dont get a chance to attend the webinar at this discounted price.

If you are interested email & write in detail about
Which option you choose to attend this webinar.

Its important that you email below info - for us to better understand you:
Write about which company, technology you are working on, what are your ambition with your job/career, what are your expectations from your career, what are you doing to reach those expectations - what other things you want to share - or discuss. Write as much in detail as possible. Do not write 1 line or in lesser words. The less we know its hard for us to understand you.

Webinar time, date & other details will be sent ahead of time.

incase if you paid/written required articles for this webinar & missed attending it - you will be informed later what alternate option you have. But you MUST try to attend this live webinar as much as possible. DO NOT demand for your time of convenience. Treat this as a one time only webinar & if you miss - you wont get any refund. I may share a small portion of the info (website links for visa) with you.

Email us if you need any more info :


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Confused to Clarity to Comprehension to Comfort to Confident - Fino's Five

here is an email I recieved from Fino - which had some real useful info so thought of sharing with you with Fino's permission. Fino's email is below

I have something I use in my workshops. I teach workshops for customers that are unemployed ... plus I do 1:1 sessions with my customers ... helping them with their resumes, counseling them, and identifying job referrals for them.

Years ago ... I used to teach computer classes at a business college. We had students that would eventually graduate ... after a 6 month program and sometimes after a 9 month program.

I made up something I call:

Fino's Five C's

- Confused
- Clarity
- Comprehension
- Comfort
- Confident

Every week my students would go through Fino's Five C's. Monday ... we'd cover some "totally new material" ... whether in WordPerfect or Lotus 123 or classes like that. Keep in mind ... this was back in 1993 and 1994.

My students would be "totally confused" on Monday as we discussed lots of new topics, etc. By Tuesday after doing some homework on Monday evening ... thinks would look ... "a little bit clearer" ... and the smoke ... would start to clear somewhat ... so to speak.

By Wednesday ... as we were discussing new material ... the students would start to knod their heads ... because by now ... the material was actually starting to make some sort of sense to them ... and they were actually starting to "comprehend" the material.

By Thursday ... I would give my students a quiz. They would take the quiz ... and then work on some more homework ... while I graded everyone's quizes. At the end of class ... we would go over their quizzes ... and use the review ... for prepping for their "test on Friday". My students would go home and study on Thursday evenings.

On Friday ... I would always give a "test". Invariably ... all of my students would ace the test and usually get 95's and 100's on their tests. The would now be totally "confident" on the same material that they found totally "confusing" on the previous Monday.

The following Monday ... they'd be right back in "Confused" mode when we'd take up some totally new material. After a while ... my students ... got comfortable with the fact that they were going to be "confused" on Mondays .... because they knew that by Friday ... they would be in Confident mode.


Here's the cool thing about Fino's Five C's ...

All these years later ... I am still using "Fino's Five C's". I use them now when teaching workshops to our unemployed customers. I let them know that they are going to be "confused" ... when they first come into our centers ... looking for work.

Literally by the end of the week ... after coming to our workshops ... and spending time in our centers ... we will have moved them from 'confused" to "confident" ... and soon they will be getting a new job ... & moving on with their lives and careers.

Fino's Five C's ... helps them "be okay" with the fact that they will be "confused" at first ... but let's them know ... they will get to "confident" ... if they just plug into the system and "allow things to happen" for them.

I've also shown them ... that when they interview for a job & get the job ... as soon as they start their new job ... they will be back to the first "C" in Fino's Five C's ... but "it's okay" ... because it's just a matter of time ... before they will work there way back to the final "C" ... "Confident" ... ;-)

I've had many past students of mine tell me ... "Fino, if it hadn't been for Fino's Five C's ... I may never have graduated" ... ;-)

I hope you find this helpful ... ;-)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From Fear to Confidence from Failure to Success

You may NEVER have read an email like this from anyone else before. Because no one else shares stuff like the way I do . So when you are in touch with me why not reply & write a lengthy email with your thoughts/opinion/reacion to below email from me.

I'm writing a book from "Real Life Experiences of Friends on Life,Career,Success advice".

I was struggling to choose a good title - help me to choose a good title - tell me which among below is good - or tell me your own if you have a better title

Some of my title thoughts are
1."From Failure to Success From Fear to Confidence"

2. " Consequences, Confidence - Life & Career "

3. " When no one helped I Still took steps towards Success "

4. " I realized Teaching,Helping is more satisfying than being a Software Engineer"

5. " Mistakes of a Software Engineer's Career Growth "

6. " I Failed a Lot - Software Engineer's personal thoughts "

7. " Emails which changed my Life "

I can write atleast a page on each of above title thus making a small book just out of the titles :) So much I have to share but I fear that I may reveal too much personal info. You tell me frankly am I right or wrong in assuming - People hate to read failure stories what they want is Success stories & steps for success.

Yes its not just about Career its about Life advice too meaning it includes enough personal advices related to non technical stuff just like some of my previous emails.

If you joined recently or if you've not read some of my previous emails
here are some of the topics i covered in my previous emails
1. 10 Tips between your Success and Failure
2. Winners take action Losers get involved in too many pity things

what i intended to say by mentioning above email headlines -- I have a lot of helpful career,life,success advice to share & chances are NO one else shares them with you.

I've learnt this the hardway - people in IT(Software domain) DO NOT share . A lot of IT guys/girls are so scared to tell you anything - they wont give away the best lessons they've learnt from their experience & their mistakes. If you dont believe me check out all your IT friends just ask them - "Can u share few tips to succeed in a IT career" & see their response. I bet you'll hardly get anyone who can even give you a couple of decent tips. If you get anyone you are really lucky.

I'm writing from experiences of friends since I dont want to reveal my personal identity - I like to remain anonymous, I like to keep my identity secret - so I will be mixing lots of real incidents,stories,experiences of friends with my own experiences. Anyone reading the story even if he knows me personally can not trace it back to me - I will be writing like that. Since when Im sharing personal advice including lessons learnt from personal,career failures its not cool to say that I've failed. Sometimes its embarrassing just to even write about these mistakes & their consequences in my own & my friend's lives .

So this book is invaluable for those who take time & who learn,implement lessons from what they learn.

This book is planned to be printed as hard copy & published/will be available for purchase through soon. How soon I cant tell for sure right now.

I just wanted to know from you few things

0. What topics you prefer more - Career tips or Personal tips or what else?
0.1 Can you mention some "sentences or areas or topic headlines" on which you want to read more in this book - I can write about it if I find interesting.
0.2 Can you mention how can I make this book a lot more valuable & useful for you & people whom you know well. Tell me how to make this a best seller :)
1. Would you prefer to buy a hardcopy book for $96 or a soft copy of same book for $46
2. Would you like to contribute anything from your experiences to this book - if you contribute you can choose to keep your identity secret or if you prefer you can get your name mentioned to get some recognition.
3. If you are a blogger or someone having websites or good contacts can you help me promote this book - I can reward you for your efforts let me know how we can work for a win-win scenario in this regards.

I'm not writing this book just to be a published author - I'm writing this since I've struggled to get advice & I could not get it when I was badly in need of it. I know for real how a good mentor or good direction/advice can change life for better. This book is like a mentor for those who take it seriously & dive deep to know the real meanings of the words & experiences shared.

Do share your thoughts/comments on this


Storage technology training for SNIA EMC certifications - Storage online training for getting job in Storage companies


A good friend of mine who is a Storage professional with 8 years of IT experience is doing online training for people who want to get into Storage technology career.

Below you can find the details of the course she does & all the relevant details. If you are serious about building your career in storage this course will be a boost in that direction. This course can also help take up Storage certifications. Do email back to me if you are interested in taking up this course.

The trainer - she will be allowing you to attend 1 session so you can see yourself the quality of the training & clarify all your questions before you send the payment to be able to attend remaining training sessions. I've known this trainer for a long time & I've attended some of her sessions & I'm impressed by the way she teaches - its like learning from an experienced IT friend. Though dont always push thinking the trainer as a friend but she is very helpful.

Lots of her students from US,UK,Australia,India & many other countries have vouched for the support her trainings have given them to advance in their career or to get job in Storage.

This training is purely online for individuals & once you email me I will share your email id with the trainer so that she can followup with you & give you more info.

I will say if you are seriously thinking of getting into storage this training is a must have. Do email if you are seriously interested in taking up this training.


Course details are below - please take time to go through in detail.

Storage Administrator Training Courses:-SNIA s10-101,Netbackup,EMC CLARiiON,Symmetrix DMX,IBM DS4000/5000,Brocade/McData/Cisco SAN Switches.

Trainer : SNIA Certified Professional.,8 years of Industry experience.
Contact : Email :

Online Training for induviduals
Classroom sessions for Corporates.

NOTE:Fee mentioned here is for individual students,for corporates,the fee will vary.


Course 1:
SNIA S10-101 (Duration:30hours,Fees:Rs.15000)

Course coverage Details can be found below:

Course 2:

EMC - SYMMETRIX (Duration:30hours,Fees:Rs.30000)

Storage System Introduction
Data and Information
SAN, DAS and NAS Basic
Symmetrix Inside - Logical view
Legacy Box, DMX 1000, 2000 & 3000 Architecture & Power system.
DMX 800, DMX3 and DMX 4 Architecture & Power system.

* V-MAX Architucture.
FA, DA and Cache (memory Boards).
Why Rule 17?
FEBE Boards
EMC physical disk and symmetrix device (logical volume)
Read Hit/Miss, Write Hit/Miss and Data Structure.
EMC Symmetrix Solution Enabler
Symmetrix/DMX Configuration Manager
Configuration Manager
RAID - (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,S,0+1,1+0)
Creating and Deleting of Hyper Volumes
Mapping and Unmapping of Devices (Allocation and Re-claim)
Managing Meta Devices
Symmetrix DMX Series Director Pairing
Symmetrix Time Finder
o Mirroring
o BCV - Operations, Symcli commands.
Global Sparing
Hot Sparing
Dynamic Sparing
Optimizer theory
EMC Health check, Drive Replacement and Inlines
SRDF in details, SRDF all modes.
Symmetrix TimeFinder Review
SRDF operations

Course 3:

CLARiiON (Duration:30hours,Fees:Rs.15000)

Basic architecture of CLARiiON Disk Array CLARiiON Models
CLARiiON Management Utilities -Navisphere Manager 6
Disk Summary
Connectivity Status
Storage System Properties
Managing RAID Groups
Creating Raid Groups
Deleting Raid Groups
Creating LUNs with different Raid Types.
Deleting LUN's
Managing Storage Groups
Creating storage groups.
Assigning LUN's to Servers.
Navisphere and NaviCli Documents

EMC Tools :

EMC Solution Enabler (Symcli)
ECC - EMC Control Center

Course 4:

IBM DS4000/5000 Technical Training: (Duration:30hours,Fees:Rs.15000)

Course Details found in the below link:

NOTE: The below SAN Fabric Course (taught along with courses 1 thru 4)

Agenda :
Brocade Switch

Setting up Brocade (b-type)
- Administrative and zoning pages
- Fabric Manager
- Functions of the SAN switches
- Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF)
- Inter Switch Link Trunking (ISL)
- Host resource access
- Zoning and other switch services

McData Switch

- Setting up McDATA (m-type)
- Functions of the McDATA (m-type)

Cisco Switch

- Cisco MDS9000 family overview
- Initial setup configuration
- Cisco Device Manager and Cisco Fabric Manager
- Virtual Storage Area Network (VSAN)
- ISLs and port channels
- Zoning
- Administration

Course 5:

Netbackup(Veritas/Symantec product) :
(Duration:16 hours,Fees:Rs.15000)
1. Introduction & Netbackup Architecture.
2. Installation of Master / Media / Clients software,
3. Demons and services
4. Backup Hard ware devices (Library and Tapes)
5. Configuration of Storage units / Volume pools
6. Configuration of Policies
7. Backup,Archive and Restore operations
8. Job and Activity Monitoring
9. Netbackup Database Backup and Recovery
10. Netbackup Error Codes and Trouble shooting
11. Important Netbackup commands
12.Health Check & Intializing scheduled backup & Daily job monitoring

Certifications which can be complete after the courses
Storage Technology Foundation(STF) or Information Storage Management (ISM) - EMC Course Code E20-001.
SNIA Storage Foundations S10-101

Email so that you can get in touch with the trainer

Monday, January 24, 2011

People make Miracles Happen not Technology - Personal blog post nothing tech on this post

Strange experience I want to share here.I got an email & then I got on a gmail/gtalk chat with a person who emailed me to know more about my storage training.I took sometime to explain him about my Storage training, I also told him about my Vmware virtualization training. We discussed tech stuff for quite sometime. He was an experienced Software professional but unfortunately out of job and was on the look for a job.

Since I felt like helping him with a bit of my time. I offered few small tips to make sure he makes daily progress etc. Then out of nowhere we started discussing about "Brain waves" or "Audio tracks - MP3 audio" which are specially designed to help our brain to relax or to focus well or to remember longer. Then I got to know he knows these stuff a lot more than me.

For those who want to know here is a website I've recently setup. These are audio tracks with affirmation messages & special sound waves to help people give importance and focus towards their weight loss efforts.

I'm also setting up soon a website with audio tracks(downloadable MP3) files of
Powerful Brainwave for Relaxation
- Audio for Peak Performance
- Audio for Smart Focus
- Audio for working on lot of Data Consolidation
- Audio to help you overcome any Blues(any bad moodswings)

Email me if you are interested in these.

These are Powerful & proven audios. I'm using them daily myself as I've found good results by their use.

So I started discussing brain waves with this person(whose identity I want to keep a secret) then we discussed about energy healing and karma (Doing Good things to have a good karma & avoiding doing any harm to others so as to avoid a bad karma).

He gave me lot of practical tips, he gave me lot of advice and he helped me in some personal things also (like how to heal some health issues of a very close relative of mine). I do have a lot of faith in these as I've seen their results. I'm not talking voodoo magic here. I'm talking proven science based energy healing. Results of which i've seen in my own life.

Whether you believe it or not I thank god for helping me come across this person who shared things to help me in my personal life.Imagine he reached out to me to ask tech based information and I ended up taking his help on my personal things. God keeps showing lots of miracles and this website is such a small miracle. I never intended to do so many positive things(career advice for strangers) what I have done after starting to write on this website(blog).Lot of people have benefited from this blog and the free information shared on this blog. I know a person who read my blogs & later met me - he said he took hardcopy printouts of all the posts on this blog since he found it useful. He said he saved more time by knowing nuggets from my experience than reading big reference books.(I suggest you read as many big reference books on the topic of your interest- blogs are just blogs they are no way as good as reference books).

But my point is - People make miracles happen. Its not the technology.

So if you are seriously looking for job instead of avoiding reaching out to people and finding an excuse like you are already posting to all job sites(technology) - Go out network(meet and talk) with people. Tell them your situation or explain them what you are looking for in a job. Meet the headhunters or talk to them on phone (DOnt just text chat - Talk on Phone or Meet in person if possible) .

Its People - Not Technology which can make miracles happen in many Job seekers' lives.

So dont be a tech rut. Dont say you've done everything you can to find job sooner. You've not done enough. You've not done anything near enough until you reach out to more people. Whether they give you a positive response or not - reach out to People and you soon may find Miracles happening in your own life too.

Email me & let me know more about you. But dont be too selfish :) .

Do good for others before you ask anything for yourself.

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